Уикипедия:Уикипедия туралы: Нұсқалар арасындағы айырмашылық

Content deleted Content added
Өңдеу түйіні жоқ
Өңдеу түйіні жоқ
{{dablink|Бұл – келушілерге Уикипедия жобасы туралы қысқа мәлімет беретін бет. Ол туралы [[Уикипедия]]да тағы толық энциклопедиялық мақала бар. Тағы қараңыз: [[Portal: Шолулардың тізімі|шолулардың тізімі]].}}
{{dablink|This is an introduction to the Wikipedia project for visitors. There is also an encyclopedia article about it at [[Wikipedia]]. See also: [[Portal:List of overviews|list of overviews]].}}
[[ImageСурет:Www.wikipedia.org screenshot.png|thumb|300px|The wikipedia.org websiteинтернет парақшасы, Wikipedia'sУикипедияның барлық homepageтілдерге forарналған allбастапқы languagesбеті.]]
'''Уикипедия''' дегеніміз – [[Көптілділік|көп тілді]], [[Ғаламтор|ғаламторға негілген]], [[тегін мазмұнды]] [[энциклопедия]]лық жоба. Уикипедия сөзі ''[[уики]]'' (көп адамдар бірлесіп жасайтын интернет парақшасы) және ''[[энциклопедия]]'' деген екі сөздің қосылуынан пайда болған сөз. Уикипедияның мақалаларында қолданушыны қосымша мәліметтер бар парақшаларға айдайтын сілтемелер бар.
'''Wikipedia''' ({{IPAEng|ˌwiːkiˈpiːdiə}} or {{IPA|/ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə/}}) is a [[Multilingualism|multilingual]], [[World Wide Web|web-based]], [[free content]] [[encyclopedia]] project. The name Wikipedia is a [[portmanteau]] of the words ''[[wiki]]'' (a type of collaborative website) and ''[[encyclopedia]]''. Wikipedia's articles provide links to guide the user to related pages with additional information.
WikipediaУикипедияны isбүкіл дүние жүзіндегі ерікті үлес қосушылар [[CollaborativeБірлесіп writingжазу|writtenбірлесіп collaborativelyжазады]] by volunteers from all around the world. Since its creation in 2001, Wikipediaжылы hasпайда grownбола rapidlyсалысымен intoУикипедия one of theғаламтордың [[WikipediaУикипедия:Size ofУикипедияның Wikipediaкөлемі|largestең үлкен]] referenceең Webүлкен sites.мәлімет беретін Thereсайттарының areбіріне moreайналды. than Қазіргі таңда [http://en.wikipedia.org/wikistats/EN/TablesWikipediansEditsGt5.htm 75, 000 activeбелсенді contributorsауторлар] working[[Special:SiteMatrix|250-ден onастам someтілде]] [[meta:List of Wikipedias#Grand Total|9, 000, 000 articlesмақала]] in more thanқосқан. [[Special:SiteMatrixҚазақ тілі|250Қазақ languagesтіліндегі]]. As of today, thereмақалалардың areсаны {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles in [[English language|English]]жетті; everyкүн dayсайын [http://www.wikipedia.org/wikistats/EN/TablesUsageVisits.htm hundredsжүздеген of thousandsмың] ofкелуші visitorsУикипедия fromэнциклопедиясында aroundқамтылған theбілімді worldтолықтыру makeүшін tensондаған ofмың thousandsөзгертулер of edits and create thousands of new articles to enhance the knowledge heldжасап, byмыңдаған theжаңа Wikipediaмақалаларды encyclopediaқосады. ''(SeeТағы alsoқараңыз: [[WikipediaУикипедия:Statistics]]).''
Келушілердің үлес қоса алулары үшін оларда арнайы білімнің болуы шарт емес, себебі олардың басты мақсаты қазір бар мәлімет туралы мақала жазу. Басқаша айтқанда, жасына, туып-өскен мәдениетіне, әлеуметтік жағдайына қарамастан [[Уикипедия: Уикипедияны кім жазады|Уикипедияға мақала жаза алады]]. Мақалалардың басым көпшілігін ғаламторға шыға алатын әркім өңдей алады. Ол үшін ''өңдеу'' деген [[Гиперсілтеме|сілтемені]] нұқыса жетіп жатыр. Әркім Уикипедияның [[Уикипедия:Ережелер мен нұсқаулар|өңдеу ережелері]]не сай келетін және белгілі бір стандартқа төмен болмакйтын мәлімет, сілтемелер немесе дәйексөздер қоса алады. Мысалы, егер сіз бір мақалаға бір мәлімет қосатын болсаңыз, онда [[Уикипедия:Қайнарларды келтіру|өз мәліметіңізді қайдан алғаныңызды көрсетіңіз]], себебі [[Уикипедия:Тексеру мүмкіндігі|сілтемесіз келтірілген мәліметтер алынып тасталады]].
Visitors do not need specialised qualifications to contribute, since their primary role is to write articles that cover existing knowledge; this means that people of all ages and cultural and social background can [[Wikipedia:Who writes Wikipedia|write Wikipedia articles]]. With rare exceptions, articles can be [[Help:Editing|edited]] by anyone with access to the Internet, simply by clicking the ''edit this page'' [[Hyperlink|link]]. Anyone is welcome to add information, cross-references or citations, as long as they do so within Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines|editing policies]] and to an appropriate standard. For example, if you add information to an article, be sure to [[Wikipedia:Citing sources|include your references]], as [[Wikipedia:Verifiability|unreferenced facts are subject to removal]].
Мәлімет қосқанда немесе өңдегенде Уикипедияны бүлдіріп қоймаймын ба деп уайымдаудың қажеті жоқ, себебі [[Уикипедия:Уикипедияны кім жазады|басқа редакторлар]] кеңес беруге немесе қателерді түзетуге әрқашан дайын, әрі Уикипедияның [[MediaWiki]] деп аталатын өзінің бағдарламалық құрылымы үлес қосушылар жасаған қателерді болдырмай тастауға мүмкіндік беретіндей етіп құрастырылған.
There is no need to worry about accidentally damaging Wikipedia when adding or improving information, as [[Wikipedia:Who writes Wikipedia|other editors]] are always around to advise or correct obvious errors, and Wikipedia's software, known as [[MediaWiki]], is carefully designed to allow easy reversal of editorial mistakes.
Уикипедия әркім үлес қоса алатын жалғасып жатқан еңбек болғандықтан, оның қағаз мәлімет көздерінен елеулі айырмашылықтары бар. Атап айтқанда, ертеректе жазылған мақалалар толығырақ және бейтараптау болып келеді де, беріректе жазылған мақалаларда жиі-жиі жалған мәлімет, энциклопедияға сай келмейтін мазмұн, тіпті [[Уикипедия:Бұзақылық|бұзақылық]] кездесіп отырады. Қолданушылар шынайы мәліметті алып, жақында ғана қосылғандықтан әлі алынып тасталып үлгірілмеген жалған мәліметтен сақ болулары үшін жоғарыда айтылғанды есте сақтауға тиіс (бұл туралы көбірек мәліметті мына жерден алуға болады: ''[[Уикипедия:Уикипедиямен зерттеу| Уикипедиямен зерттеу]]''). Бірақ Уикипедияның қағаз энциклопедиялардан маңызды артықшылығы – Уикипедия әрқашан жаңарып отырады. Қағаз энциклопедияларда жаңа мақалалар жазып, бар мақалалардың өңдеу үшін айлап-жылдап уақыт кететін болса, Уикипедияда бұл бірнеше секунд, минут, әрі кетсе сағаттың ішінде жасалады.
Because Wikipedia is an ongoing work to which, in principle, anybody can contribute, it differs from a paper-based reference source in important ways. In particular, older articles tend to be more comprehensive and balanced, while newer articles more frequently contain significant misinformation, unencyclopedic content, or [[Wikipedia:Vandalism|vandalism]]. Users need to be aware of this to obtain valid information and avoid misinformation that has been recently added and not yet removed (see ''[[Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia|Researching with Wikipedia]]'' for more details). However, unlike a paper reference source, Wikipedia is continually updated, with the creation or updating of articles on topical events within seconds, minutes or hours, rather than months or years for printed encyclopedias.
If you have not done so, we invite you to take a few moments to read [[Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not|What Wikipedia is (and is not)]], so that you have an understanding of how to consult or contribute to Wikipedia. Further information on key topics appears below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, try the '''[[Wikipedia:FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions]]''' or see '''[[Wikipedia:Questions|Where to ask questions]]'''. For help with editing and other issues, see ''[[Help:Contents]]''.
Ал енді біз сізді уақыт бөліп [[Уикипедия:Уикипедия дегеніміз не емес| Уикипедия дегеніміз не (және не емес)]] дегенді оқып шығуға кеңес береміз. Сол арқылы сіз қалай Уикипедиядан мәлімет алып, оған қалай үлес қосуға болатыны туралы ақпарат ала аласыз. Басты тақырыптар туралы мәлімет төменде берілген. Егер іздегеніңізді таба алмасаңыз, онда '''[[Уикипедия:ЖҚС|жиі қойылатын сұрақтар]]''' дегенге барып көріңіз. '''[[Уикипедия:Сұрақтар|сұрағымды қай жерде қоя аламын]]''' дегеннің де пайдасы болуы мүмкін. Өңдеу және басқа да мәселелер бойынша ''[[Көмек:Мазмұны]]'' дегенге барыңыз.
==Уикипедия туралы==
==About Wikipedia==
===Уикипедияның тарихы===
===Wikipedia history===
{{details|History of Wikipedia}}
Wikipedia was founded as an offshoot of [[Nupedia]], a now-abandoned project to produce a free encyclopedia. Nupedia had an elaborate system of [[peer review]] and required highly qualified contributors, but the writing of articles was slow. During 2000, [[Jimmy Wales]], founder of Nupedia, and [[Larry Sanger]], whom Wales had employed to work on the project, discussed ways of supplementing Nupedia with a more open, complementary project.
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In [[May 2001]], a wave of non-English Wikipedias was launched — in [[Catalan language|Catalan]], [[Chinese language|Chinese]], [[Dutch language|Dutch]], [[Esperanto]], [[French language|French]], [[German language|German]], [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]], [[Italian language|Italian]], [[Japanese language|Japanese]], [[Portuguese language|Portuguese]], [[Russian language|Russian]], [[Spanish language|Spanish]], and [[Swedish language|Swedish]]; these were soon joined by [[Arabic language|Arabic]] and [[Hungarian language|Hungarian]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Announcements_May_2001 |title=Wikipedia announcements — May 2001}}</ref> In September,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Announcements_September_2001 |title=Wikipedia announcements — September 2001}}</ref> [[Polish language|Polish]] was added and further commitment to the multilingual provision of Wikipedia was made. At the end of the year, [[Afrikaans]], [[Norwegian language|Norwegian]], and [[Serbocroatian language|Serbocroatian]] versions were announced.
===Сауда белгілері мен құқықтар ===
===Trademarks and copyrights===
[[WikipediaУикипедия]] is a registered [[trademark]] of the [[nonprofit]] [[Wikimedia Foundation]], which has created an entire family of free-content [[m:Complete list of Wikimedia projects|projects]]. On all of these projects, you are welcome to [[WP:BB|be bold]] and edit articles yourself, contributing knowledge as you see fit in a collaborative way.
All of the text in Wikipedia, and most of the images and other content, is covered by the [[GNU Free Documentation License]] (GFDL). Contributions remain the property of their creators, while the GFDL license ensures the content is freely distributable and reproducible. (See the [[Wikipedia:Copyrights|copyright notice]] and the [[Wikipedia:Content disclaimer|content disclaimer]] for more information.)
===Уикипедияға үлес қосушылар===
===Wikipedia contributors===
{{main|Wikipedia:Who writes Wikipedia|Wikipedia:Wikipedians}}
Tens of thousands of regular editors — from expert scholars to casual readers — can edit Wikipedia, an openness that encourages inclusion of a tremendous amount of content.
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Although the Wikimedia Foundation owns the site, it is largely uninvolved in writing and daily operations.
===Уикимедия қоры ===
===The Wikimedia Foundation===
:''Main articles: [[Wikimedia Foundation]] and [[m:Main Page|Metawiki]]
The '''Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.''' is a [[non-profit]] [[charitable organization]] based in [[St. Petersburg, Florida|St. Petersburg]], [[Florida]], [[United States]] which was founded in 2003 to act as the legal umbrella body for Wikipedia and all related sister projects, and is the owner of all [[trademark]]s and [[intellectual property rights]] related to Wikipedia. Almost all of its functions are undertaken by volunteers within the Wikipedia community, supplemented by five paid employees (two programmers, an administrator, a fundraiser and an executive director), three technical contractors (software and network management), an Advisory Board of around 15 expert individuals, and a Board of [[Trustee]]s. Branches of the Foundation exist and are being added to in an ongoing manner, in a number of countries, focussing upon reference information, publication, funding, and other projects specific to the location.
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In line with its goal of producing reference material free to all people, the Foundation also operates a [[m:Main Page|Metawiki]] where matters impinging upon all projects, global discussions can take place, and global policies can be formally documented and developed, and an [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_new_projects incubator] for proposed new projects and new languages, to facilitate their launch and early stage development. [[As of August 2007]] there are around 100 new reference projects in various stages of development initiated by members of the Wikipedia and related communities.
==Уикипедияны ең тиімді қолдану==
==Making the best use of Wikipedia==
===Уикипедияны зерттеу===
===Exploring Wikipedia===
Many visitors come to this site to acquire knowledge, others to share knowledge. In fact, at this very instant, dozens of articles are being improved, and [[Special:Newpages|new articles]] are also being created. You can view changes as they happen at the [[Special:Recentchanges|Recent changes]] page. You also can view [[Special:Randompage|random articles]]. Over 1,500 articles have been designated by the Wikipedia community as [[Wikipedia:Featured articles|featured articles]], exemplifying the best articles in Wikipedia. Another 2,500 articles are designated as [[Wikipedia:Good articles|good articles]]. Wikipedia also has [[Portal:List of portals|portals]], which organize content around topic areas. You may also [[Wikipedia:Searching|search]] for articles, using the search box on the left side of the screen.
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You also might enjoy reading Wikipedia in other languages. Wikipedia has more than two hundred different languages (see [[#Wikipedia versions in other languages|other language versions]]), including a [http://simple.wikipedia.org Simple English] version, and related projects include a dictionary, quotations, books, manuals, and scientific reference sources, and a news service (see [[#Sister projects|sister projects]]). All of these are maintained, updated, and managed by separate communities, and often include thought-provoking information and articles which can be hard to find through other common sources.
===Уикипедияда жол табу===
===Basic navigation in Wikipedia===
{{main|Wikipedia:Basic navigation}}
Wikipedia articles are all [[Hyperlink|linked]], or cross-referenced. Wherever you see highlighted text like [[wikilink|this]], it means there is a link to some relevant article or Wikipedia page with further in-depth information elsewhere if you need it. Holding your mouse over the link will often show you where a link will take you. You are always one click away from more information on any point that has a link attached. There are other links towards the ends of most articles, for other articles of interest, relevant external web sites and pages, reference material, and [[Wikipedia:Category|organized categories of knowledge]] which you can search and traverse in a loose [[hierarchy]] for more information. Some articles may also have links to dictionary definitions, audio-book readings, quotations, the same article in other languages, and further information available on our [[Wikipedia:Sister projects|sister projects]]. You can add further links if a relevant link is missing, and this is one way to contribute.
===Уикипедияны зерттеу құралы ретінде пайдалану===
===Using Wikipedia as a research tool===
{{main|Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia|Citing Wikipedia}}
As a [[wiki]], articles are never complete. They are continually edited and improved over time, and in general this results in an upward trend of quality, and a growing consensus over a fair and balanced representation of information.
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While the overall trend is generally upward, it is important to use Wikipedia carefully if it is intended to be used as a research source, since individual articles will, by their nature, vary in standard and maturity. There [[Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia|are guidelines and information pages]] designed to help users and researchers do this effectively, and an article that summarizes third-party studies and assessments of the [[reliability of Wikipedia]].
===Уикипедияның қағаз энциклопедиялардан айырмашылығы ===
===Wikipedia vs. paper encyclopedias===
:''Main article: [[m:Wiki is not paper|Wiki is not paper]] (on [[m:|Wikimedia Meta-Wiki]])''
Wikipedia has advantages over traditional paper encyclopedias. Wikipedia has a very low "publishing" cost for adding or expanding entries and a low environmental impact, since it need never be printed. Also, Wikipedia has [[wikilink]]s instead of in-line explanations and it incorporates overview summaries (article introductions) with the extensive detail of a full article. Additionally, the editorial cycle is short. A paper encyclopedia stays the same until the next edition, whereas writers update Wikipedia at every instant, around the clock, ensuring that it stays abreast of the most recent events and scholarship.
===Уикипедияның күшті және әлсіз жақтары мен мақалалардың сапасы===
===Strengths, weaknesses, and article quality in Wikipedia===
{{main|Wikipedia:Why Wikipedia is so great|Wikipedia:Why Wikipedia is not so great}}
Wikipedia's greatest strengths, weaknesses, and differences all arise because it is open to anyone, has a large contributor base, and articles are written by consensus according to editorial guidelines and policies.
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:* Wikipedia is '''written by open and transparent consensus''' &mdash; an approach that has its pros and cons. Censorship or imposing "official" points of view is extremely difficult to achieve and almost always fails after a time. Eventually for most articles, all notable views become fairly described and a [[WP:NPOV|neutral point of view]] reached. In reality, the process of reaching consensus may be long and drawn-out, with articles more fluid or changeable for a long time compared while they find their "neutral approach" that all sides can agree on. Reaching neutrality is occasionally made harder by [[Wikipedia:Tendentious editing|extreme-viewpoint contributors]]. Wikipedia operates a full editorial dispute resolution process, that allows time for discussion and resolution in depth, but also permits months-long disagreements before poor quality or biased edits will be removed forcibly.
Studies suggest that Wikipedia is broadly as reliable as ''[[Encyclopedia Britannica]]'', with similar error rates on established articles for both major and minor omissions and errors.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.research.ibm.com/visual/projects/history_flow/results.htm |title=history flow: results |work=IBM}}</ref> There is a tentative consensus, backed by a gradual increase in [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia as an academic source|academic citation as a source]], that it provides a good starting point for research, and that articles in general have proven to be reasonably sound. That said, articles and subject areas sometimes suffer from significant omissions, and while misinformation and vandalism are usually corrected quickly, this does not always happen. (See for example [[John Seigenthaler Sr. Wikipedia biography controversy|this incident]] in which a person inserted a fake biography linking a prominent journalist to the Kennedy assassinations and Soviet Russia as a joke on a co-worker which went undetected for 4 months, saying afterwards he "didn’t know [[WikipediaУикипедия]] was used as a serious reference tool.") Therefore, a common conclusion is that it is a valuable resource and provides a good reference point on its subjects.
The [[MediaWiki]] software which runs Wikipedia retains a history of all edits and changes, thus information added to Wikipedia never "vanishes", and is never "lost" or deleted. Discussion pages are an important resource on contentious topics. There, serious researchers can often find a wide range of vigorously or thoughtfully advocated viewpoints not present in the consensus article. Like any source, information should be checked. A [[2005]] editorial by a [[BBC]] [[technology]] writer comments that these debates are probably symptomatic of new [[cultural learning]]s which are happening across all sources of information (including search engines and the media), namely "a better sense of how to evaluate information sources."<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4534712.stm What is it with Wikipedia?] 16 December 2005.</ref>
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:{{seealso|Reliability of Wikipedia|Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia}}
===Жауапкершіліктен бас тарту===
:''Main article and text of disclaimers: [[Wikipedia:Disclaimers]]. <br />Wikipedia disclaimers apply to all pages on Wikipedia.''
Wikipedia, in common with many websites, makes its disclaimers highly visible, a practice which at times has led to commentators citing these in order to support a view that Wikipedia is unreliable. A selection of similar disclaimers from places which are often regarded as reliable (including sources such as [[Encyclopædia Britannica]], [[Associated Press]], and the [[Oxford English Dictionary]]) can be read and compared at [[Wikipedia:Non-Wikipedia disclaimers|Non-Wikipedia disclaimers]]. Wikipedia content advisories can also be found [[:template:UWAYOR|here]].
==Уикипедияға үлес қосу==
==Contributing to Wikipedia==
:''Main articles: [[Wikipedia:Contributing to Wikipedia|Contributing to Wikipedia]], [[Wikipedia:First steps|First steps in editing articles]], [[Wikipedia:New contributors' help page|New contributors' help page]]''
:''Guide to fixing vandalism: [[Help:Reverting]]''
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Most articles start as [[WP:STUB|stubs]], but after many contributions, they can become [[Wikipedia:Featured articles|featured articles]]. Once you have determined that there is no article on Wikipedia on a topic you are interested in, you may want to [[Wikipedia:Requested articles|request that the article]] be written (or you could even research the issue and write it yourself). Wikipedia has many on-going [[Wikipedia:WikiProject|projects]], focused on specific topic areas or tasks, which help coordinate editing. The hope of any contributor is to provide useful and accurate information to others, and the projects help coordinate efforts.
===Уикипедия парақтарына өзгеріс енгізу===
===Editing Wikipedia pages===
:''Main article, including list of common mark-up shortcuts: [[Wikipedia:How to edit a page]]''
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Wikipedia has robust [[revision control|version and reversion controls]]. This means that poor quality edits or vandalism can quickly and easily be reversed or brought up to an appropriate standard by any other editors, so inexperienced editors cannot accidentally do permanent harm if they make a mistake in their editing. As there are many more editors intent upon good quality articles than any other kind, articles that are poorly edited are usually corrected promptly.
===Уикипедияның мазмұнына қойылатын талаптар===
===Wikipedia content criteria===
{{Main|Wikipedia:Wikipedia in brief}}
Wikipedia content is intended to be factual, notable, verifiable with external sources, and neutrally presented, with external sources cited.
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Wikipedia itself is run as a communal effort. It is a community project whose end result is an encyclopedia. Feedback about content should, in the first instance, be raised on the discussion pages of those articles. You are invited to [[WP:BB|be bold]] and edit the pages yourself to add information or correct mistakes if you are knowledgeable and able to do so.
===Жиі қойылатын сұрақтар (ЖҚС)===
===Frequently asked questions (FAQ)===
:''FAQ index: [[:Category:Wikipedia FAQ|Index of all Wikipedia FAQ pages]]''
===Өз пікір-ұсыныстарыңды білдіру===
===Giving feedback===
There is an established escalation and dispute process within Wikipedia, as well as pages designed for raising questions, feedback, suggestions and comments:
* [[Wikipedia:Talk page|Talk pages]] — the associated discussion page for discussion of an article or policy's contents. This is usually the first place to go.
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* [[Wikipedia:Help desk]] — Wikipedia's general help desk, if other pages haven't answered your query.
===Зерттеу көмектері және соған қатысты сұрақтар ===
===Research help and similar questions===
Facilities for help for users researching specific topics can be found at:
* [[Wikipedia:Requested articles]] — to suggest or request articles for future.
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Because of the nature of Wikipedia, it's encouraged that people looking for information should try and find it themselves in the first instance. If however you come across valid information missing from Wikipedia, [[Wikipedia:Be Bold|be bold]] and [[WP:BANAV|add it yourself]] so others can gain from your research too!
===Қауым пікір алмасуы===
===Community discussion===
For specific discussion not related to article content or editor conduct, see the [[Wikipedia:Village pump|Village pump]], which covers such subjects as [[Wikipedia:Announcements|announcements]], [[Wikipedia:Village pump (policy)|policy]] and [[Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)|technical]] discussion, and information on other specialized portals such as the [[Wikipedia:Help desk|help]], [[Wikipedia:Reference desk|reference]] and [[Wikipedia:Peer review|peer review]] desks. The [[Wikipedia:Community Portal|Community Portal]] is a centralized place to find things to do, collaborations, and general editing help information, and find out what's going on.
===Уикипедияның редакторларымен қалай пікір алмасуға болады===
===Contacting individual Wikipedia editors===
If you need more information, the first place to go is the [[Help:Contents]]. To contact individual contributors, leave a message on their [[Wikipedia:Talk page|talk page]]. Standard places to ask policy and project-related questions are the [[Wikipedia:Village pump|village pump]], online, and the [[Wikipedia:Mailing lists|Wikipedia mailing lists]], over e-mail. You can also reach other [[Wikipedia:Wikipedians|Wikipedians]] via [[Wikipedia:IRC channels|IRC]] and [[Wikipedia:Emailing users|e-mail]].
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For a full list of contact options, see '''[[Wikipedia:Contact us]]'''.
==Түрлі тілдердегі Уикипедия==
==Related versions and projects==
==Тетелес жобалар==
==Sister projects==
;Please note that while other sites may also use [[MediaWiki]] software and therefore look similar to Wikipedia, or may have a name that includes 'Wiki-' or '-pedia', or a similar [[domain name]], the only projects which are part of the Wikimedia Foundation are those listed above, even if they claim to be part of it.
==Тағы қараңыз==
==See also==
*[[Wikipedia:10 things you probably didn't know about Wikipedia|10 things you probably didn't know about Wikipedia]]