Әдебиет саласындағы Нобель сыйлығы: Нұсқалар арасындағы айырмашылық

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ш келесі ауыстыруды жасадым:Франсуз => Француз
ш келесі ауыстыруды жасадым:Франсуз => Француз
| [[Прүдом, Сүлли]] (Sully Prudhomme)
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «in special recognition of his poetic composition, which gives evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect.»
| [[Метерлинк, Морис]] (Maurice Maeterlinck)
| {{BEL}}
| [[ФрансузФранцуз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «in appreciation of his many-sided literary activities, and especially of his dramatic works, which are distinguished by a wealth of imagination and by a poetic fancy, which reveals, sometimes in the guise of a fairy tale, a deep inspiration, while in a mysterious way they appeal to the readers' own feelings and stimulate their imaginations.»
| [[Роллан, Ромен]] (Romain Rolland)
| {{FRA}}
| [[ФрансузФранцуз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings.»
| [[Anatole France]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «in recognition of his brilliant literary achievements, characterized as they are by a nobility of style, a profound human sympathy, grace, and a true Gallic temperament.»
| [[Henri Bergson]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «in recognition of his rich and vitalizing ideas and the brilliant skill with which they have been presented.»
| [[Roger Martin du Gard]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for the artistic power and truth with which he has depicted human conflict as well as some fundamental aspects of contemporary life in his novel cycle ''[[Les Thibault]]''.»
| [[André Gide]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for his comprehensive and artistically significant writings, in which human problems and conditions have been presented with a fearless love of truth and keen psychological insight.»
| [[François Mauriac]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for the deep spiritual insight and the artistic intensity with which he has in his novels penetrated the drama of human life.»
| [[Albert Camus]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times.»
| [[Saint-John Perse]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for the soaring flight and the evocative imagery of his poetry which in a visionary fashion reflects the conditions of our time.»
| [[Jean-Paul Sartre]] (declined the prize)<span style="font-size:smaller;"><sup>[http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1964/press.html]</span></sup>
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for his work which, rich in ideas and filled with the spirit of freedom and the quest for truth, has exerted a farreaching influence on our age.»
| [[Samuel Beckett]]
| {{IRL}}
| [[Ағылшын тілі]]/[[ФрансузшаФранцузша (language)|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «for his writing, which — in new forms for the novel and drama — in the destitution of modern man acquires its elevation.»
| [[Claude Simon]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «who in his novel combines the poet's and the painter's creativeness with a deepened awareness of time in the depiction of the human condition.»
| url = http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/xingjian-gao
| accessdate = 2007-08-13
| quote = Gao Xingjian (pronounced gow shing-jen) was born on Қаңтардың 4, 1940, in Ganzhou, China. ... His next plays received negative reactions from the Chinese government, causing Gao to emigrate to France in 1987 during a trip to Germany on an artistic fellowship. ... He became a naturalized ФрансузшаФранцузша citizen in 1998...
| url = http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/xingjian-gao
| accessdate = 2007-08-13
| quote = Gao Xingjian (pronounced gow shing-jen) was born on Қаңтардың 4, 1940, in Ganzhou, China. ... His next plays received negative reactions from the Chinese government, causing Gao to emigrate to France in 1987 during a trip to Germany on an artistic fellowship. ... He became a naturalized ФрансузшаФранцузша citizen in 1998...
| [[J. M. G. Le Clézio]]
| {{FRA}}
| [[Француз тілі|ФрансузшаФранцузша]]
| «author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization»