Абджәд сандары: Нұсқалар арасындағы айырмашылық

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Жаңа бетте: {{Араб әліппесі}} '''Абджәд сандары''' 28 араб әріптерінің ондық санақ жүйесіндегі сандарды белгіл...
Өңдеу түйіні жоқ
{{Араб әліппесі}}
'''Абджәд сандары''' 28 араб әріптерінің ондық санақ жүйесіндегі сандарды белгілеуі. Араб әліппесінің әр әрпіне белгілі бір сан мәні бекітілген. Бұндай сандарды белгілеу жүйесі 8 ғасырда қалыптасты. Арабтың ''{{transl|ar|ʾабджядияһ}}'' сөзінің мағынасы "[[әліппе]]" деген мағына береді.
In the Abjad system, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, [[aleph|{{transl|ar|DIN|ʾalif}}]], is used to represent 1; the second letter, [[bāʼ|{{transl|ar|DIN|bāʾ}}]], is used to represent 2, etc. Individual letters also represent 10's and 100's: [[yāʼ|{{transl|ar|DIN|yāʾ}}]] for 10, [[kāf|{{transl|ar|DIN|kāf}}]] for 20, [[qāf|{{transl|ar|DIN|qāf}}]] for 100, etc.
The word "[[abjad]]" ({{lang|ar|أبجد}} ''{{transl|ar|ʾabjad}}'') itself derives from the first four letters in the [[Phoenician alphabet]], [[Aramaic alphabet]], [[Hebrew Alphabet]], etc. These older alphabets contained only 22 letters, stopping at [[taw]], numerically equivalent to 400. The Arabic Abjad system continues at this point with letters not found in other alphabets: [[ṯāʼ|{{transl|ar|DIN|ṯāʾ}}]] = 500, etc.
==Abjad order==
The Abjad order of the [[Arabic alphabet]] has two slightly different variants. The Abjad order is not a simple historical continuation of the earlier north Semitic alphabetic order, since it has a position corresponding to the Aramaic letter ''[[samekh|{{transl|he|sameḵ}}]]/semkat'' {{lang|he|ס}}, yet no letter of the Arabic alphabet historically derives from that letter. Loss of ''{{transl|he|sameḵ}}'' was compensated for by the split of [[shin (letter)|''{{transl|he|šin}}'']] {{lang|he|ש}} into two independent Arabic letters, {{lang|ar|ش}} (''{{transl|ar|DIN|šīn}}'') and {{lang|ar|ﺱ}} (''{{transl|ar|DIN|sīn}}'') which moved up to take the place of ''{{transl|he|sameḵ}}''.
The most common Abjad sequence, read from right to left, is:
:{{lang|ar| أ ب ج د ه‍ و ز ح ط ي ك ل م ن س ع ف ص ق ر ش ت ث خ ذ ض ظ غ}}
:<span style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:bidi-override; letter-spacing:1px;">{{transl|ar|ʾ b j d h w z ḥ ṭ y k l m n s ʿ f ṣ q r š t ṯ ḫ ḏ ḍ ẓ ġ }}</span>
This is commonly vocalized as follows:
:*{{transl|ar|ʾabjad hawwaz ḥuṭṭī kalaman saʿfaṣ qarašat ṯaḫaḏ ḍaẓaġ}}.
Another vocalization is:
:*{{transl|ar|ʾabujadin hawazin ḥuṭiya kalman saʿfaṣ qurišat ṯaḫuḏ ḍaẓuġ}}
Another Abjad sequence (probably older, now mainly confined to the Maghreb), is:<ref name=magb>{{ar icon}} [http://alyaseer.net/vb/showthread.php?t=8807 Alyaseer.net {{lang|ar|ترتيب المداخل والبطاقات في القوائم والفهارس الموضوعية}} Ordering entries and cards in subject indexes] Discussion thread ''(Accessed 2009-Oct-06)''</ref>
:{{lang|ar| أ ب ج د ه‍ و ز ح ط ي ك ل م ن ص ع ف ض ق ر س ت ث خ ذ ظ غ ش}}
:<span style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:bidi-override; letter-spacing:1px;">{{transl|ar|ʾ b j d h w z ḥ ṭ y k l m n ṣ ʿ f ḍ q r s t ṯ ḫ ḏ ẓ ġ š}}</span>
which can be vocalized as:
:*{{transl|ar|DIN|ʾabujadin hawazin ḥuṭiya kalman ṣaʿfaḍ qurisat ṯaḫuḏ ẓaġuš}}
Modern dictionaries and other reference books do not use the Abjad order to sort alphabetically; instead, the newer ''{{transl|ar|hijāʾī}}'' ({{lang|ar|هجائي}}) order (with letters partially grouped together by similarity of shape) is used:
:{{lang|ar|أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر زس ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي}}
:<span style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:bidi-override; letter-spacing:1px;">{{transl|ar|ʾ b t ṯ j ḥ ḫ d ḏ r z s š ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y}}</span>
Another kind of ''{{transl|ar|DIN|ʾalfabaʾī}}'' order used to be widely used in the [[Maghreb]] until recently when it was replaced by the [[Mashriq|Mashreki]] order:<ref name=magb/>
:{{lang|ar|أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز ط ظ ك ل م ن ص ض ع غ ف ق س ش ه‍ و ي}}
:<span style="direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:bidi-override; letter-spacing:1px;">{{transl|ar|’ b t ṯ j ḥ ḫ d ḏ r z ṭ ẓ k l m n ṣ ḍ ‘ ġ f q s š h w y}}</span>
Persian dictionaries use slightly different [[Persian_alphabet|orders]]
==Uses of the Abjad system==
Before the introduction of the [[Hindu-Arabic numeral system|Arabic numerals]], the Abjad numbers were used for all mathematical purposes. In modern Arabic, they are primarily used for numbering [[Outline (hierarchical)|outlines]], items in lists, and points of information. In English, points of information are sometimes referred to as "A", "B", and "C" (or perhaps use Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV), and in Arabic, they are "{{lang|ar|أ}}", then "{{lang|ar|ب}}", then "{{lang|ar|ج}}", not the first three letters of the modern ''{{transl|ar|hijāʾī}}'' order.
The Abjad numbers are also used to assign numerical values to Arabic words for purposes of [[isopsephy|numerology]].{{Citation needed|date=December 2012}} The common Islamic phrase {{lang|ar|بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم}} ''{{transl|ar|DIN|bism illāh ir-raḥmān ir-raḥīm}}'' ("in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate"&nbsp;– see [[Basmala]]) has a numeric value of 786 (from a letter-by-letter cumulative value of 2+60+40+1+30+30+5+1+30+200+8+40+50+1+30+200+8+10+40), and the word "[[Allah]]" {{lang|ar|الله}} by itself has the value 66 (1+30+30+5).
==Әріпке белгіленген сандар==
Line 118 ⟶ 81:
== Дереккөздер ==
== Сыртқы сілттемелерсілтемелер ==
==Сыртқы сілттемелер==
*[http://bahai-library.com/lewis_Abjad_numerological_system ''абджәд'' санау жүйесі]
*[http://alavibohra.org/abjad%20arabic%20calculator/arabic%20numeric%20value.php www.alavibohra.org]
{{Араб тілі}}
[[CategoryСанат:арабАраб жазуы]]
[[ar:حساب الجمل]]