Әуе компаниялары кодтары-W

Әуе тасымалдаушылардың кодтары тізімі. Торап ИАТА мен ИКАО әуе тасымалдаушы белгілемелерін және әуе компания шақыру белгілерін (телефондық белгілемелерін) тізбелейді. Тізімнің толықтығы үшін бұрынғы белгілемелері де көрсетілген.

Әуетасымалдаушы кодтары
ИАТА ИКАО Әуекомпания аты Шақыру белгісі Елі Қосымша
W1 WDL WDL Aviation WDL Germany
WRR WRA Inc WRAP AIR United States
XWS WSI Corporation United States
CGG Walmart Aviation CHARGE United States
WAS Walsten Air Services WALSTEN Canada
GOT WaltAir GOTHIC Sweden
WPT Wapiti Aviation WAPITI Canada
WAV Warbelow's Air Ventures WARBELOW United States
ATX Warwickshire Aerocentre Ltd. AIRTAX United Kingdom
WT WSG Wasaya Airways WASAYA Canada
7W Wayraperú WAYRAPERÚ Peru
WTC Weasua Air Transport Company WATCO Liberia
WJ WEB WebJet Linhas Aéreas WEB-BRASIL Brazil
TDB Welch Aviation THUNDER BAY United States
2W WLC Welcome Air WELCOMEAIR Austria
BLW Wermlandsflyg AB BLUESTAR Sweden
WCB West Africa Airlines KILO YANKEE Ghana
WTF West African Air Transport WESTAF AIRTRANS Senegal
WZ WSF West African Airlines Benin
WAC West African Cargo Airlines WESTAF CARGO Mauritania
WLX West Air Luxembourg WEST LUX Luxembourg
PT SWN West Air Sweden AIR SWEDEN Sweden
YH WCW West Caribbean Airways WEST Colombia
WCR West Caribbean Costa Rica WEST CARIBBEAN Costa Rica
8O West Coast Air COAST AIR Canada
West Coast Airlines United States
WCG West Coast Airlines WHISKY INDIA Ghana
WCA West Coast Airways WEST-LEONE Sierra Leone
TEE West Freugh DTEO TEEBIRD United Kingdom
WEW West Wind Aviation WESTWIND Canada
WAA Westair Aviation WESTAIR WINGS Namibia
WSC Westair Cargo Airlines WESTCAR Cote d'Ivoire
PCM Westair Industries PAC VALLEY United States
BLK Westcoast Energy BLUE FLAME Canada
NPC Western Air Couriers NORPAC United States
WAE Western Air Express WESTERN EXPRESS United States
WA WAL Western Airlines WESTERN United States defunct
WAL Western Arctic Air WESTERN ARCTIC Canada
WTV Western Aviators WESTAVIA United States
WES Western Express Air Lines WEST EX Canada
KMR Western Pacific Airlines KOMSTAR United States
WPA Western Pacific Airservice WESTPAC Solomon Islands
WSL Westflight Aviation WEST LINE United Kingdom
WSA Westgates Airlines WESTATES United States
WHE Westland Helicopters WESTLAND United Kingdom
WTP Westpoint Air WESTPOINT Canada
CN WWD Westward Airways WESTWARD United States
WHT White YOUNG SKY Portugal
WEA White Eagle Aviation WHITE EAGLE Poland
WRA White River Air Services Canada
WWL Whyalla Airlines Australia
WF WIF Widerøe WIDEROE Norway
WIG Wiggins Airways WIGGINS AIRWAYS United States
WHS Wiking Helikopter Service WEEKING Germany
WFO Wilbur's Flight Operations WILBURS United States
WLS Williams Air WILLIAMS AIR United States
WGP Williams Grand Prix Engineering GRAND PRIX United Kingdom
WDA Wimbi Dira Airways WIMBI DIRA Democratic Republic of Congo
WNA Winair WINAIR United States
IV JET Wind Jet GHIBLI Italy
WSI Wind Spirit Air WIND SPIRIT United States
QGA Windrose Air QUADRIGA Germany
WIA Windward Islands Airways International WINDWARD Netherland
1W WON Wings Air WINGS ABADI Indonesia Subsidiary of Lion Air
WAT Wings Air Transport Sudan
WAW Wings Airways WING SHUTTLE United States
WOL Wings Aviation WINGJET Guyana
WEX Wings Express WINGS EXPRESS United States
K5 WAK Wings of Alaska WINGS ALASKA United States
WLB Wings of Lebanon Aviation WING LEBANON Lebanon
WIN Winlink WINLINK Saint Lucia
WAG Wisconsin Air National Guard United States
WSM Wisman Aviation WISMAN United States
W6 WVL Wizz Air WIZZBUL Bulgaria
WZZ Wizz Air Hungary WIZZAIR Hungary
WNR Wondair on Demand Aviation WONDAIR Spain
CWY Woodgate Executive Air Charter CAUSEWAY United Kingdom
WO WOA World Airways WORLD United States
XWW World Weatherwatch Canada
WWM World Wing Aviation MANAS WING Kyrgyzstan
1P Worldspan United States
CSW Worldwide Air Charter Systems CHARTER SYSTEMS Canada
WWS Worldwide Aviation Services Pakistan
WWI Worldwide Jet Charter WORLDWIDE United States
WRT Wright Air Lines WRIGHT-AIR United States
8V WRF Wright Air Service WRIGHT FLYER United States
CWU Wuhan Airlines WUHAN AIR China
WYC Wycombe Air Centre WYCOMBE United Kingdom
WYG Wyoming Airlines WYOMING United States