Антидін (ағылш. Antireligion) — дінге қарсылық.[1][2][3] Ол ұйымдасқан діндерге, діни ритуалдарға немесе діни бірлестіктерге қарсылық танытуды білдіреді. Ол табиғаттан тысқары күштерге табынуға ұйымдасқа түрде, немесе еркін түрде қарсы шығуы мүмкін.

Антидін Құдайға сенбейтін атеизмнен және Құдайға сенуге қарсы антитеизмнен өзіндік өзгешелікке ие. Әрине, антидіншілдер әдетте атеист немесе антитеист болуы әбден мүмкін.

Қысқаша тарихы


Жалпыхалықтық антидіннің ежелгі нұсқасы ХVII ғ-дағы Ағартушылық дәуірінде көрініс тапты. Француз ағартушы ойшылы Барон Гольбах 1761 жылы жарық көрген «Христиандық құпиясы» (Christianity Unveiled) кітабы адамзаттық моральдық ізгіленуге кедергі кесапат ретінде тек христиан дінін ғана айыптап қоймай, жалпы дін атаулыға да өткір шабуыл жасайды.[4] Тарихшы Майкл Берлидің айтуынша, антидін Француз революциясы кезінде жаппай тәртіпсіздік ретінде көрініс тапты, ол "ұйымдасқан ... дінсіздік... 'антиклерикалдық' және өзіндік 'дінсіздік күйі' ретінде қоғамдағы діннің ықпалына қаталдықпен жауап берді.[5]

Бұрынғы Кеңес Одағында марксизм-ленинизм саяси идеологиясы "жаңа дінге" айналды, әрі дәстүрлі діндерге қарсы мемлекеттік атеизм саясатын қабылдады.[6] Ол Кеңес одағына қауып туғызу деңгейіне байланысты түрлі діндерге мәмілесі түрліше болды. Бұл антидін науқандары христиандық, исламдық, буддисттік, еврейлік және шамандық діндеріне қарсы мемлекеттік антидін саясатына негізделген.

Әйгілі антидін Философтары

  • Фридрих Ницше (1844-1900), Неміс ойшылы, тарихта христиандықтың мәніне ең ірі шабуыл жасап, "Құдай өлді" тезисін ұсынған, діндердің адам өмірі мен болмысындағы негативті рөлін айқындаған.
  • Әл-Маарри (Al-Ma'arri, 973–1057), әйгілі арраб философы, ақын, жазушы. Ислам діні, Христиан діні және Зороастризм секілді діндерді сынап және мазақтап жазған.[7]
  • Томас Пейн (1737–1809), English-American author and deist who wrote a scathing critique on religion in The Age of Reason (1793–4): "All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish [i.e. Muslim], appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit".
  • Карл Маркс (1818–1883), German philosopher, social scientist, socialist. He said "religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness".[8]
  • Джон Дьюи (1859–1952), an American pragmatist philosopher, who believed neither religion nor metaphysics could provide legitimate moral or social values, though scientific empiricism could (see science of morality).[9]
  • Бертран Рассел (1872–1970), English logician and philosopher who believed that authentic philosophy could only be pursued given an atheistic foundation of "unyielding despair". In 1948, he famously debated with the Jesuit priest and philosophical historian Father Frederick Copleston on the existence of God.[10]
  • Айн Рэнд (1905–1982), Russian-American novelist and philosopher, founder of Objectivism.[11]
  • Ричард Докинз (born 1941), English biologist, one of the "four horsemen" of New Atheism. He wrote The God Delusion, criticizing belief in the divine, in 2006.[12]
  • Кристофер Хитченс (1949–2011), English-American author and journalist, one of the "four horsemen" of New Atheism. He wrote God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything in 2007.[13]
  • Стивен Пинкер (born 1954), Canadian-American cognitive scientist who believes religion incites violence.[14]
  • Сэм Харрис (born 1967), author of The End of Faith. He said, "If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of either rape or religion, I would not hesitate to get rid of religion."[15]
  • Лоуренс М. Краусс (born 1954) a theoretical physicist, author of A Universe from Nothing.

Әйгілі антидін саясаткерлері


Басқа антидін өкілдері



  1. Anti-religion. Merriam-Webster Online.
  2. Antireligion. Collins Dictionary Online.
  3. A Dictionary of Atheism — Oxford University Press. — ISBN 9780191816819.
  4. (in German) Naumann, Manfred: Zur Publikationsgeschichte des "Christianisme dévoilé" », dans Werner Krauss, Walter Dietze, Neue Beiträge zur Literatur der Aufklärung, p.155. Ruetten & Loening, Berlin 1964
  5. Michael Burleigh Earthly Powers p 96-97 ISBN 0-00-719572-9
  6. Kowalewski, 1980, 426б., https://www.jstor.org/stable/128810 Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR: Characteristics and Consequences: "The Soviet policy of state atheism (gosateizm), albeit inconsistently applied, remains a major goal of official ideology. Massive state resources have been expended not only to prevent the implanting of religious belief in nonbelievers but also to eradicate "prerevolutionary remnants" already existing. The regime is not merely passively committed to a godless polity but takes an aggressive stance of official forced atheization. Thus a major task of the police apparatus is the persecution of forms of religious practice. Not surprisingly, the Committee for State Security (KGB) is reported to have a division dealing specifically with "churchmen and sectarians."
  7. Lloyd Ridgeon (2003), Major World Religions: From Their Origins To The Present, Routledge: London, page 257. Script error: No such module "Catalog lookup link".Script error: No such module "check isxn".
  8. Marx, K. 1976. Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Collected Works, v. 3. New York.
  9. "Dewey felt that science alone contributed to 'human good,' which he defined exclusively in naturalistic terms. He rejected religion and metaphysics as valid supports for moral and social values, and felt that success of the scientific method presupposed the destruction of old knowledge before the new could be created. ... (Dewey, 1929, pp. 95, 145) "William Adrian,
  10. "I think all the great religions of the worldҮлгі:Spaced ndashBuddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and CommunismҮлгі:Spaced ndashboth untrue and harmful. It is evident as a matter of logic that, since they disagree, not more than one of them can be true. ... I am as firmly convinced that religions do harm as I am that they are untrue." Bertrand Russell in "My Religious Reminiscences" (1957), reprinted in The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell [1] Мұрағатталған 5 желтоқсанның 2008 жылы.
  11. The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution. — ISBN 9781101137277.
  12. "Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let's now stop being so damned respectful!" The Guardian, 2001-10-11
  13. Grimes, William Christopher Hitchens, Polemicist Who Slashed All, Freely, Dies at 62. The New York Times (16 December 2011).
  14. "[T]he Bible, contrary to what a majority of Americans apparently believe, is far from a source of higher moral values. Religions have given us stonings, witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, fatwas, suicide bombers, gay-bashers, abortion-clinic gunmen, and mothers who drown their sons so they can happily be united in heaven." The Evolutionary Psychology of Religion Мұрағатталған 9 мамырдың 2008 жылы., presentation by Steven Pinker to the annual meeting of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin, October 29, 2004, on receipt of “The Emperor’s New Clothes Award.”
  15. The Sun Magazine | The Temple Of Reason | Bethany Saltman | Issue 369  (ағыл.).
  16. "Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about the religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class."Lenin, V. I. About the attitude of the working party toward the religion. Collected works, v. 17, p.41.
  17. Anti-Religious Campaigns.
  18. Grossman, J. D. (1973). "Khrushchev's Anti-Religious Policy and the Campaign of 1954". Soviet Studies 24 (3): 374–386. doi:10.1080/09668137308410870. ISSN 0038-5859. JSTOR 150643. 
  19. Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress: The dismal fate of new nations — Cornell University Press. — ISBN 978-0-8014-3109-8.
  20. "I'm anti-religious ... It's all a big lie ... I have such a huge dislike [of] the miserable record of religion." The Guardian, 2005-12-14 " The Guardian.