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Сезім нейроғылымы
Сезімдік нейроғылым (кейде Аффективті нейроғылым, Affective neuroscience) - бұл эмоцияға қатысты нейрондық механизмдерді зерттеу болып, кісілік әсер, сезім және көңіл күй секілділерді көзде тұтып зерттеу жүргізеді.[8]
Әрекет нейроғылымы
Әрекеттік нейроғылым (Behavioral neuroscience) - биологиялық психология, физиологиялық психология, биопсихология, немесе психобиология, тб, биология принциптерін қолданып, адам және жануарлар әрекетінің генетикалық, физиологиялық және даму механизмдерін зерттеу.[9]
Жасуша нейроғылымы
Жасуша нейроғылымы (Cellular neuroscience) жасуша деңгейде нейрондарды зерттеу болып, ол морфологиялық және физиологиялық қасиеттерге назар аударады.[10]
Клиника нейроғылымы
The scientific study of the biological mechanisms that underlie the disorders and diseases of the nervous system.[11]
Таным нейроғылымы
Cognitive neuroscience is the study of the biological mechanisms underlying cognition.[12]
Есептік нейроғылым
Computational neuroscience is the theoretical study of the nervous system.[13]
Мәдениет нейроғылымы
Cultural neuroscience is the study of how cultural values, practices and beliefs shape and are shaped by the mind, brain and genes across multiple timescales.[14]
Даму нейроғылымы
Developmental neuroscience studies the processes that generate, shape, and reshape the nervous system and seeks to describe the cellular basis of neural development to address underlying mechanisms.[15]
Эволюция нейроғылымы
Evolutionary neuroscience studies the evolution of nervous systems.
Молекулалық нейроғылым
Molecular neuroscience studies the nervous system with molecular biology, molecular genetics, protein chemistry, and related methodologies.[16]
An interdisciplinary field that integrates nanotechnology and neuroscience.[17]
Нейронды инженерия
Neural engineering uses engineering techniques to interact with, understand, repair, replace, or enhance neural systems.[18]
Neuroanatomy is the study of the anatomy of nervous systems.[19]
Neurochemistry is the study of how neurochemicals interact and influence the function of neurons.[20]
Neuroethology is the study of the neural basis of non-human animals behavior.
Neurogastronomy is the study of flavor and how it affects sensation, cognition, and memory.[21]
Neurogenetics is the study of the genetical basis of the development and function of the nervous system.[22]
Neuroimaging includes the use of various techniques to either directly or indirectly image the structure and function of the brain.[23]
Neuroimmunology is concerned with the interactions between the nervous and the immune system.[24]
Neuroinformatics is a discipline within bioinformatics that conducts the organization of neuroscience data and application of computational models and analytical tools.[25]
Neurolinguistics is the study of the neural mechanisms in the human brain that control the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language.[26][27]
Neuro-ophthalmology is an academically-oriented subspecialty that merges the fields of neurology and ophthalmology, often dealing with complex systemic diseases that have manifestations in the visual system.
Neurophysics is the branch of biophysics dealing with the development and use of physical methods to gain information about the nervous system.[28]
Neurophysiology is the study of the structure and function of the nervous system, generally using physiological techniques that include measurement and stimulation with electrodes or optically with ion- or voltage-sensitive dyes or light-sensitive channels.[29]
Neuropsychology is a discipline that resides under the umbrellas of both psychology and neuroscience, and is involved in activities in the arenas of both basic science and applied science. In psychology, it is most closely associated with biopsychology, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology. In neuroscience, it is most closely associated with the cognitive, behavioral, social, and affective neuroscience areas. In the applied and medical domain, it is related to neurology and psychiatry.[30]
Paleoneurobiology is a field that combines techniques used in paleontology and archeology to study brain evolution, especially that of the human brain.[31]
Қоғам нейроғылымы
Social neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field devoted to understanding how biological systems implement social processes and behavior, and to using biological concepts and methods to inform and refine theories of social processes and behavior.[32]
Жүйе нейроғылымы
Systems neuroscience is the study of the function of neural circuits and systems.[33]